We now have data... 

62% of registered voters in America think that the Capitol Riots are a threat to Democracy. 55% of independents see it that way. A full 27% of Republicans agree. That's a remarkable number who see protests by THEIR side as not only wrong, but a full on threat to democracy! That's incredible. 

Only 21% of Americans actually support the treasonous riots at the Capitol. On the one hand, that's a staggeringly high number who are so deluded by conspiracy theories and delusional misinformation that they actively support treason. On the other hand, if Republicans were to "hitch their wagon" to such an unpopular position, it would spell their doom electorally. 

Will they? 

Well... only 45% of Republicans actually support the treasonous riots, meaning that the events at the capitol have split the Republican party bitterly... and almost in half. And it is not clear which half might come out "in control" of the Republican party long term. What we do know is that the individuals who will be in leadership positions in the Republican party in just a few days... Mitch McConnell, for example... oppose these treasonous acts against democracy. 

It is not entirely clear to me that the Republican party can survive this level of infighting without collapse. But only time will tell. 

See: https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/articles-reports/2021/01/06/US-capitol-trump-poll 


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